The 2024 Presidential Primary results for both the Democratic and Republican parties show clear front-runners.

 The 2024 Presidential Primary results for both the Democratic and Republican parties show clear front-runners.

The recent vote counts for the U.S. Presidential nominees across various parties reveal the following:

- **Republican Party**: 

  - **Donald J. Trump** leads significantly with **232,846 votes** (68.94%).

  - **Nikki Haley** follows with **97,182 votes** (28.77%).

  - Other candidates like **Ron DeSantis** (1.21%), **Vivek Ramaswamy** (0.44%), **Chris Christie** (0.42%), and write-ins (0.21%) have secured much lower percentages.

- **Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party**:

  - **Joseph R. Biden Jr.** is the frontrunner with **171,278 votes** (70.12%).

  - **Uncommitted** votes are at **45,914** (18.80%), indicating some level of dissent or uncertainty among Democratic voters.

  - Other candidates, such as **Dean Phillips** (7.76%) and **Marianne Williamson** (1.42%), have gained modest support, while others like **Jason Palmer** (0.31%) and **Frankie Lozada** (0.12%) trail far behind.

- **Legal Marijuana Now Party**:

  - **Krystal Gabel** leads with **759 votes** (28.84%).

  - **Write-in** votes are notably high at **484** (18.39%).

  - Other candidates like **Dennis Schuller** (17.44%), **Vermin Supreme** (15.08%), and others follow with smaller shares.

This data highlights the strong support for the leading candidates within each party, with Trump and Biden maintaining dominant positions in their respective primaries. The vote shares also reflect the varied landscape in smaller parties like Legal Marijuana Now.